Sunday, 2 November 2008

Special Post on Bathtimes

Our little boy quite enjoys bath times, though sometimes the water at first startles him at first! Now, as Mommy wants to be all modern and posh and is addicted to buying fine stuff for Mr Hugo, she has bought a baby bath with a seat and a canopy like holder for babies BUT it is crap and uncomfy unless the baby is big enough to sit on his own! We tried it once but decided it is bleh and started to bathe Hugo in the sink! Much more comfortable! Unfortunately the bathing in sink was rather short-lived as Hugo grows at an alarming rate and now is just too big for the sink! The posh baby bath is still no go, so we have bought a simple baby bath with a sponge cushion and both parents and baby are extremely satisfied with bath time!

Here are some bathtime fun images:

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