Thursday, 12 March 2009

The 'Boob' in action!

All kinds of randoms this time round! Hugo is eating, growing and talking excellently! Loves most of the food you give him, says dadada, mamamamma, lalalal, bababababab and weird throaty sounds! He has just turned full 6 months and is awesome!

Here is proof:

This was in January I think, baby meet - babies and dads:

Babies and mums:

Just babies:

Happy smiles!

Big blues!

Food goes everywhere and that book will turn to dust soon!

Mamma and Hugo had fun, thus Hugo is wearing a toybox on his head!

Hugo's morning wake up! Click to view larger!

Hugo and friend Jack playing!


Adam Paquette said...

first photo = looooooooooooll!!

Björn Hurri said...

Why is that photo funny?

Adam Paquette said...

its just such a funny combination of subtle and cute things... the timidness of fathers holding babies and their unusually 'soft' side always gets a laugh out of me. very cute :) hope you 3 are well :)

i guess i still think of you as an orc barbarian hurri. cant help it!